Friday, March 21, 2014

More great things coming to Central!

My #1 goal as Superintendent is to grow Central and keep our district not only viable, but thriving for a long time.  Some of my ideas may be controversial in order to do this, but hopefully this isn't one of them!  I believe we need to 1) be innovative and 2) grow from the ground up as we look to attract new families to our district.  Because of these beliefs, I will be implementing a full day 4-year-old preschool program for our parents in the 2014/15 school year.  This will benefit our parents and students in multiple ways.  1) Research proves students are learning an incredible amount at early ages.  Getting them into a structured learning environment, led by a certified teacher will only enhance the student's chance of academic success.  2) Cost to our parents.  Under our current program parents have to find transportation and daycare for their students, both have a considerable cost and burden on working parents.  By providing a full day program, parents will be able to utilize Central's bussing to provide transportation to and from the home, as well as save on daycare costs.

Here are the proposed 4-year-old preschool offerings for the 2014/15 school year.

Full Day Program
Monday-Thursday, 8:15-3:30.  No classes on Friday.
Regular district transportation provided to our K-12 students will also be provided to our 4-year-old students.
School breakfast & lunch will be provided daily to our 4-year-old students.  Breakfast is optional as students can eat before they arrive.  Free and reduced applications are available at the district office for those that qualify.  This is confidential information so please take advantage of this program.
Due to only being funded half-time, there will be a charge for this program.  We will be charging parents $125 a month for the nine months of school for a total cost of $1,125 per student for the school year.  This amount is tax deductible and should compare quite favorably with current daycare costs in which many parents are paying that a week.  I am also looking into a scholarship program to offset the $125 a month for families in need.  If you have any questions about this please contact me as I will work with parents to make this option as affordable as possible.

Half Day Program
Monday-Thursday, 8:15-12:00. No classes on Friday.
Regular district transportation will pick up 4-year-old students.  Parents will be responsible for having their student picked up at 12:00.  At this time, we will no longer provide a bus to the daycare center.
Parents can choose whether or not they want their student to participate in Central's breakfast & hot lunch program.
There will be no cost for the half-day program.

Spots for the full day program are filling up fast.  Class sizes are limited to 20 students so contact Central if you are not already signed up.  We will host a Preschool Round-Up where students will be able to attend a half-day class on April 25th.  At that time I will meet with perspective parents and answer any questions you may have and provide information about possible scholarship opportunities.  Also, feel free to ask questions and add comments to this Blog.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Before the press!

As a thank you for following my Blog, readers will have better access to materials being sent out!  Here is my newsletter article for the April/May (and last) newsletter of the year.  Enjoy it before everyone else!

Central Stakeholders,

We have finally hit the 50 degrees mark, which can only be a sign that winter is slowly leaving us.  This has to rank as the worst winter in terms of coldness in my career, yet as with anything, our teachers and students adapted well with the inconsistency of days and being cooped up inside.

Along with warmer weather brings the end of a school year and Marlene informs me this will be our last newsletter of the year.  Because of this, I think it is a perfect time to reflect on the school year as well as look at the road ahead.

My Entry Plan as I began this position set forth the following goals:
·        - Listen and learn from students, staff, parents, and community. 
·        -Building and deepening relationships.
·        -Ownership of data.
·        -Identifying strengths and weaknesses of the district.
·        -Be visible in the school and community.

While I admit there were some hurdles along the way, I feel I have had some degree of success toward all of my goal areas.  Obtaining success in these areas hasn’t always been easy and has led to tough conversations, disagreements, and sometimes even tears.  As a leader you have to be able to have these types of conversations and as I look to Central’s future, these conversations are going to happen more and more.  We can no longer do what we have always done and ignore the data in front of us.  As a district we know exactly who we are, now the tough question becomes who do we want to be?  For those that believe who we are right now is good enough, it isn’t.  We can and will do better.

As the leader of our school district, I feel it is my duty to all of our stakeholders to share the direction I want to see our district go and to be held accountable for getting us there.  I have made no secret that I believe our students deserve a 21st Century education and a different public education from what our generation and the generations before us received.  Education is no longer local, it is global.  Our kids will enter a global work force, high school diploma or not.  Will they be equipped to handle the demands of a global job-market through skills such as memorization, note taking, and test taking? Absolutely not!  We need actively engaged students who exhibit higher levels of learning through writing and hands on activities, in other words, creating things!  That is why I am happy to pass along that Central will host a district wide training for all of our teachers with the Buck Institute this June.  I encourage everyone to check out the Buck Institute’s website at  Project Based Learning will lead to a different looking classroom.  Gone are textbooks, worksheets, and the memorization of capitals!  Replacing these lower level skills, Central students will instead be critically thinking and creating.  I want our students to be finding real solutions to real life problems.  This will be a first of its kind training in this part of Iowa and I am very excited about the possibilities it will offer Central students!

Due to my belief in the importance of reading and writing and the research surrounding this area, we need to focus on our youth.  The earlier we can get our students exposed to literacy skills, the more successful they will be in our high school and as adults.  Because of this Central will be offering two full day preschool classes in the 2014/15 school year.  This is a major, positive change for our school district. 

These two things along with multi-age classrooms and continuing our calendar discussions are going to set Central apart from other schools in our area, Iowa, and our nation.  We will be able to offer an education to meet the demands of the 21st Century in which our students will be writers, critical thinkers, and problem solvers.  These opportunities will also come with more parent and community involvement.  This is already beginning as I have already been approached by some business leaders requesting involvement with our students on our early out Friday’s.  I hope to grow parent and community involvement as we move forward as a district.

Thank you for all of your support and commitment to Central Community School District.  The future looks very bright!


Central Superintendent/Elementary Principal

Monday, March 10, 2014

Central Job Openings

Central CSD will have the following job openings for the 2014/15 school year:

  • MS/HS English/Language Arts
  • PreK Teacher Regular Ed/Special Ed
  • MS/HS Band
  • K-12, Special Education/PE
  • Head Maintenance
  • JV Volleyball Coach
  • MS Wrestling Coach
  • Individual Speech Coach
If interested in any of these positions please send your credentials to me through email.  These positions will also be posted on