Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stand Up 4 Public Schools

I recently signed the pledge in support of public schools and I encourage all of my followers to do the same.  The link is found here:

If you follow legislation and the political process, it is amazing how a small group of people can get a lot accomplished.  The majority of us are products of public schools and send our kids to public schools.  Yet, our voice is currently being overpowered by the minority against public schools.  This is proven through the lack of public school funding (Iowa is currently $1650 behind the per-pupil average in the Nation), the false attacks on the Iowa Core, negative media surrounding public education and public teachers, the lack of accountability for home-school, etc.  Supporters of public education need to start fighting back, and yes I said fight.  If we believe in our local school districts, our voice has to start being heard.

I am currently working with other Superintendents of surrounding school districts to ensure our voice is heard.  We are developing a calendar to ensure supporters of public education are at the State Capital at all times.  We need parents to join us!

The Central School Board also approved the following letter to be sent to our local politicians.  These priorities are vital to ensure Central continues to grow and provide a quality education to our kids.  Please let me know if you are interested in being a positive voice for public education and if you are able to attend a trip to Des Moines.  Together our voice will make a difference!

On behalf of the Central Community School District Board of Directors I would like to thank you for representing us in...

With the 2014/2015 general session about to begin, we would like you to consider the following points in representing our school district:

  • In many instances, the areas you represent, public schools are the largest employer of the community.  As our State surplus has grown, funding for education has not.  Iowa is now $1,657.00 per pupil spending behind the national average, with only 10 states lowering educational spending more than Iowa.  Iowa ranks 37th in the nation in terms of per-pupil spending, and this directly correlates with academic performance.  The States that are making education a financial priority are outperforming Iowa.  Iowa has a strong history of being the best in education, please fund our schools at a minimum of 6% State Supplemental Aid so we can once again provide the resources needed to obtain that tradition.  Without this funding, Central Community School District will have to cut teachers and resources, which means we cut academic programs for our students.  Please make this your number one priority.
  • Central Community School District strongly supports the Teacher Leadership and Compensation program.  We thank Governor Branstad for recognizing the need to transform our educational system.  Unfortunately, sustainability of this program can only happen if all other school funding streams are fully funded. 
  • Supporting a funding mechanism for school districts’ transportation costs that do not reduce funding for the educational program.  This is a major concern for the rural school districts you represent.
  • Education Savings Accounts, Vouchers, and Open Enrollment.  Central Community School District records parent survey data that shows how strongly our community supports their school district.  By supporting ESA’s, vouchers, home-school, and open enrollment, you support a decrease in enrollment to our community public schools.  While we support parent choice, those choices should all be held to the same accountability standards as the public schools are held.
  • Central Community School District strongly supports the Iowa Core.  Our teachers are starting to see the advantages the Iowa Core has on their instructional practices and improving student achievement. 
We invite you to come and visit Central Community School District and would enjoy the chance to meet face to face as well as give you a tour of our facilities.  Northeast Iowa has excellent public schools that are severely struggling due to lack of funding and a declining enrollment population.  We look forward to working together to address these concerns and improving Iowa’s future workforce.