Friday, August 29, 2014

Weekly Update- 8/29/14

Another school week about to be placed into the books and a lot of positive things to share with our public!

Multi-Age Classrooms
While there have been and will be bumps in the road as we are in our first year of rolling this out, early signs have reaffirmed my belief this is the right approach to education.  I have sat in all grade level meetings and watched as teams of teachers review student data regardless of an "age".  I have seen kindergarten students with higher scores than 1st grade students, I have also seen kindergarten students not ready for 1st grade materials and standards.  This can be said about all the age groups.  The multi-age approach is putting a spot light on individual needs, not the needs of an age group.  Our teachers have been much more focused on individual student data and meeting the needs of each student instead of the age group.  I do not feel this focus would be as strong if we remained in single age groups.

This week the Central School Board hosted a Vision Work Session in which Structure Architecture presented.  I am very excited to work with Structure in ensuring our building and facilities align with our goal of a 21st Century Education.  We will be forming a Facilities Committee so if you are interested in being a part of this process please let me know.

Teacher Leadership & Compensation
Our sub-committee met with sub-committees from West Central, Starmont, and East Buchanan.  Together we are going to be applying for a grant that would create the following positions: 4 Instructional Coaches, 2 Technology Coaches, numerous Collaboration Coordinators, Mentor Teachers, and Model Teachers.  A lot more information to come on this, but I am very encouraged to see school districts working together to better meet the needs of our students!

Fall Sports
Boy and Girls Cross Country both took 1st place in their first meet of the year at Ed-Co on Tuesday.  Last night the Central Girls Volleyball team swept West Central in three matches for the win.  Tonight Central Football takes on Tripoli, 7:00pm at Tripoli.  It is great seeing how our coaches and student athletes are representing our district, keep up the great work!

This past year I made a push for teachers to apply for STEM grants, and they answered the call!  Central will be incorporating many different STEM opportunities for our students in the 2014/15 school year.  These opportunities will be for all grade levels. 
Mr. Ungerer received a STEM grant for FIRST Tech Challenge as well as a Rockwell Collins grant to support STEM learning.  FIRST Tech Challenge is defined as: FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) is a community-focused robotics program while teaching students the value of hard work, innovation and creativity while going beyond the robotics competition by teaching teenagers the importance of working together, sharing ideas and treating each other with respect and dignity.
Central is also offering an after school program where students can compete in a LEGO League robotics competition.  Ms. Schultz will be this year's coach and we are working with the ISU Extension office to offer this opportunity to our students.  Central is also hosting the tournament on November 22nd.
More information to come as we get into our STEM curriculum.

Community Service
New this year I have asked each grade level to participate in a community service project.  The communites of Central give so much to our school district, we feel it is time to give something back.  Mr. O'Brien's Ag Construction class got us started by moving tables and chairs for the Elkader Care Center.  Coomunity Service is a life-long lesson that doesn't show up on a paper and pencil standardized test!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome our New Staff at Central

Below you will find a picture and a little write-up on our new staff at Central.  I can tell you already that these new staff bring a lot of energy and excitement to Central.  Please help me welcome them to our community.

Brittany Barnard
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My name is Brittany Barnard and I am from Marion, IA. I graduated from Wartburg College with a degree in Music Education in May 2014. One interesting fact about myself is that my family and I are beekeepers and we have a small honey business. We have kept bees and sold honey for about 10 years now. Before moving to Elkader this summer I worked on a family friend's vegetable farm. 

My hobbies include music...obviously...making lanyards, watching movies, and always learning new things (mostly about history). I chose to come to Central because I absolutely fell in love with the school atmosphere, staff/community friendliness, and the town of Elkader in general. I may be new to the town but I feel that I am right at home and that is due to the friendliness of this community! 

I cannot wait to get to know everyone and really become a part of this wonderful community here in Elkader.

Allison DeShaw
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Hello, I am Allison DeShaw. Pictured next to me is my mother, brother, and nephew from my graduation from Loras College last May. I actually am a 2009 graduate of Central Schools. While in high school and college I have been a member of many organizations and activities. I have played and coached various sports, ran after school programs, been a Morale Captain for Dance Marathon, and been involved in many other organizations. I love being involved and working with kids! There's no greater reward then helping a student learn. When I do have free time I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, being outdoors, and hiking. Presently I reside in Elkader, and am recently engaged to my high school sweet heart Jared Burkle. I am very excited to be back here at Central, and cannot wait for the school year to begin!

Caroline (soon to be) Erickson
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My name is Caroline (soon to be) Erickson.  I moved to Elkader in August and will be getting married in September.  This is my first year teaching at Central Community School District.  Prior to this I taught in the Western Dubuque School District at Bernard Elementary.  I have two adult children; Ashley and Tony, a son-in-law, Clayton and two awesome grandsons; Kasin and Will.  I also have four school-aged children Noah, Reegan, Miya and Gabe all who attend Central. 

Kelli Jacobsen 
I grew up on a farm outside of Clermont with my parents and two sisters.    My parents are both teachers, my dad teaches 2nd grade at Valley Elementary and my mother currently teaches at UIU.  My sisters are also in the teaching profession; my oldest sister teaches High School English at NFV, and my youngest sister is a junior at UIU majoring in Early Elementary Education.  I graduated from Valley in 2007 and later received my teaching degree from UIU in 2012. After graduation I took a teaching job in Phoenix, Arizona, where I taught preschool special education for two years. This past May I moved to West Union to be closer to family and friends. I loved being in Phoenix, but am very excited to be back in Northeast Iowa and teaching at Central.  Central has so many great things going for them and it’s great to be part of the team! I have always been a strong believer of Early Childhood Education and can’t wait to see the success of the full day preschool program.  Outside of school I enjoy spending time outdoors! I love to go on motorcycle rides, canoe, help on my fathers farm, and spend time with my niece and nephew.  I also love to travel in my spare time. I went to Hawaii this past spring and am in the process of booking a trip to Africa this coming summer! 

Welcome our New Staff to Central!

Below you will find a picture and a little write-up on our new staff at Central.  I can tell you already that these new staff bring a lot of energy and excitement to Central.  Please help me welcome them to our community.

Staci Werger
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A little about me!

I grew up on a farm in Garnavillo, Iowa where I also attended elementary school up until the 5th grade, when Garnavillo merged with Guttenberg. At this time, my parents felt that my siblings and I would receive the best education at Central. It was difficult to leave behind the great friendships I had built in Garnavillo, but I cannot express how thankful I am for my parent’s decision. Central offered a wonderful education, social and athletic opportunity for me. I participated in cross-country, football & wrestling cheerleading, track and softball. I take great pride in Central because of the wonderful community that raised me. Central taught me that great things come with hard work. 

After graduating high school, I attended Coe College for two years and then transferred to UW-Whitewater, where I received a degree in Special Education, Cross Categorical. I chose education because I was greatly touched by the staff at Central. I have always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives, and teaching was the way I wanted to do it. I started my journey in education as an Elementary major. I took a couple classes that were introductory classes to Special Education and completely fell in love with it.  When I think about education, I think about equal rights; every student has an equal right to an education and advocating that is deep within my heart. I believe it takes a village to raise a child, and I know I will be working with a wonderful village here at Central.

In case you are curious; some of my hobbies include being outdoors. I love hiking and canoeing. If you live in town, I am sure you have seen me out and about walking, running, riding bike or playing a game down at the sand volleyball court. I enjoy traveling, especially when my family and friends can join me!

I cannot express how excited I am to start my teaching career here in Elkader! I look forward to working with each and every student that walks through the school doors. My door is always open, literally (actually, I don’t even have a door) so don’t hesitate to stop in and see what is happening in the classroom!

Alison Matney
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Hey all! I would like to introduce myself to the community here. My name is Alison Matney, and I am the new English Teacher in the Central School District. I am so thrilled to be working in this beautiful town that is full of opportunities! There are so many activities to be a part of in this town, and the activities fit in perfectly with my interests. I really enjoy fishing and biking, along with writing and reading (that kind of comes with the territory!).
    I am from a small town much like Elkader. It’s a little place called Conrad in Central Iowa. I grew up there, attended school there, and went to community college in the next town over. After completing two years there, I continued my education at the University of Northern Iowa. Go Panthers! And from there, well, here I am!
    Working in this school district is really my dream job. The community is wonderful, and the support the community gives the school is evident everywhere you look in town. That’s such an amazing thing. I also love the direction in which the school is going, with the emphasis on using projects, collaboration, and creativity to not only make sure we have educated graduates, but also graduates who will have real world skills to deal with the real world that comes after high school. I am so excited to be a part of this, and I’m looking forward to meeting all of the community members and students in the upcoming school year.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Weekly Update

New this year I will try and do a weekly update on the happenings of Central.  We are also looking at creating a District Facebook page and have added all events onto our district calendar. 

Just finished our first full week.  Students and staff are adjusting well and we hope to begin fall assessments next week.  These assessments help us better ability group each student in our guided reading.
Fall sports have all been practicing with competition starting next week.  Today I received a letter from the Iowa High School Athletic Association congratulating Central coaches and student athletes for not having a single ejection in the 2013-2014 school year.  Central prides itself on character on and off school grounds and I thank our students athletes and coaches for representing us in this manner.
This week the Central School Improvement Advisory Committee met and voted to pursue the Teacher Leadership and Compensation grant.  The committee developed two job descriptions for the positions that would be created if Central receives the grant, Instructional Coach and Technology Coach.
Please keep Mrs. Kremer and Mrs. Wenger in your thoughts and prayers.  Mrs. Kremer's father passed away and Mrs. Wenger's mother is being put on Hospice.

Stay cool this weekend and more to come next week.

We have started!  New staff were trained last Friday, which include 6 new teachers.  I will post a separate Blog about them soon!  On Monday teachers had a work day and Central hosted the Elementary Back to School night and iPad Roll-out.  We also held our Drive for Kids fundraiser which raised $2440 for the district!  Thank you so much for all of you who drove!  Tuesday we held our first Professional Development of the year.  I welcomed our staff back, reflected on the many accomplishments from last year and shared my goals for the district in the 2014/15 school year.  After that the Clayton County ALICE Coalition led ALICE training for the entire staff.  ALICE is an emergency training that I will share more about in a separate Blog post, as well as how that training is effecting the district.  Wednesday-Friday we welcomed our Central students back!  It was a very good first week and happy to be back into a routine.  More to come next week, off to enjoy the great weather and weekend.