Thursday, October 23, 2014

Staying Connected!

On Tuesday, Central staff attended a training hosted by Keystone AEA about the importance of being a connected educator.  We started the morning with a concentration on Twitter and Pinterest.  Both offer excellent resources for not only our teachers, but students and parents.  The late morning portion concentrated on Blogging, both classrooms and teacher Blogs.  Obviously if you are reading this, you understand the importance of Blogging as a communication tool.

Central is also looking into upgrading our district website.  We are hoping this upgrade takes place at the start of the second semester.  Central will now also have a Facebook page, the link is  Please check us out and friend us!  Lastly, we now also have a Hashtag for our district on Twitter.  If you tweet out any information relevant to our school district, use the hashtag #centcs so we can all share and learn together!

I share a lot of information on my twitter account that may geared towards teachers, but parents can also use to increase learning in the home.  I apologize in advance for the occasional Hawkeye and Chicago Cub tweets you may have to weed through!

Together lets work at making Central a connected community.  Please let me know if you have other ideas as well.

Go Warriors!

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